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        Welcome to Zhengzhou Foreign Language Middle School


        School History

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        About the badge

        閱讀數(shù):1799 更新時(shí)間:2020-06-05



        Do you know thingsabout the badge of Zhengzhou Foreign Language Middle School?

        1. There is aforeign wordfor short in the center of the badge . Do you know what the word is?

        2. The managementphilosophy of our school is"Stress on students full life and lay greatfoundation for their bright future". Can you find it in the badge?

        3. The training target of our school is "Integration ofChinese and western cultures and equal emphasis on intellectualpersonality". Which part of the badge show the concept of  fusion?

        4. The school badge deliberatelystressed the spirit of devotion of teachers in Zhengzhou Foreign LanguageMiddle School. How can you see that?

        5. Theshieldsymbolizes the "glory" and "protection", can you think ofany other schools which have badges with shapes of shield?

        6. The colors of thebadge are mainly purple and gold. Do you know the meanings?

        7. Sun flowersymbolizes students’ passion and youth. Both students and thebadge constitute the symbol of campus culture. Can you find the common pointsbetween the badge and the sun flower?



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